DOPO LA NEWSLETTER IN CUI RICORDO L’INCONTRO CON IL PRESIDENTE REAGAN IL PADRE ROGER SCRIVE RICORDANDO L’AVVENIMENTO NELLA PARTE DA LUI VISSUTA. Caro Gianmaria! I remember well that Sunday morning at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington when I invited you travelling Franciscans to concelebrate the Mass a 10:30am. Walking out to the Altar and asked you why you came to Washington. You siaid, “we are going to see President Regan and I asked when was your appointment. When you said, “We don’t have one!” I announced four times during the Mass that we should all pray for one. Thanks God a member of our Board of Trustees was big in the Republican Party, we called Frank Stella from Detroit. The White House said “the President will receive them, but you have to come with them.” Frank got on a morning plane and arrived in time to take you into your office. The only glitch I felt was that your Ambassador didn’t want me to be present. I think the story is in the booklet written by the giornalist from Perugia who travelled with you. I understand this experience got you to meet President Andropov in USSR, but the big result in my estimation was the meeting of all Religious Leaders in Assisi with the Pope. Congratulations on your Anniversary, I am happy to have been a part of it. Blessings! Padre Roger Roensch